Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta
The Head of the Permanent Mission of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the European Union, Ambassador Yves Gazzo, hosted on 24 of June 2024 a reception on the occasion of the feast day of St. John the Baptist.
On the 24th of June 2024, H.E. the Ambassador Yves Gazzo, was honored to host the Jordanian Ambassador Ms Saja Majali at the occasion of Sant John reception.
The Röntgen Trio, made up of Mark Anderson, pianist, Antoine van Dongen, violinist, and Eric Gaenslen, cellist, formed in 2017. It performs in the United States and Canada.
The Official Visit to Hungary of the Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Fra’ John Dunlap, accompanied by the Grand Chancellor, Riccardo Paternò di Montecupo, and the Grand…
The Grand Commander of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Fra’ Emmanuel Rousseau, paid a visit to Slovakia from September 14 to 17, during which he engaged in a series of…
After taking part in the Axiom 3 space mission last January, the flag of the Sovereign Order of Malta has returned home. In a ceremony held at the Magistral Villa…